Friday, November 1, 2013

Use Your Power to Change the World

During my time in Mumbai I had daily opportunities to travel to various parts of the city. There is so much beauty in Mumbai. There is also great suffering.

Every place you looked the intensity of human suffering was present. Stopping at a traffic light literally brought you face to face with suffering in almost every form: children begging; mothers holding their babies to show the need for money; adults who were too handicapped to work; individuals and families living on the streets. The enormity of the suffering could feel overwhelming. I developed a passion for a way to change this suffering. I knew the soul song LPH was the way to do this. In future posts I will share with you some of the ways LPH changed people’s lives.

We have been empowered by the Divine to 

change what exists worldwide to 

Love Peace and Harmony.


We have been given the song Love Peace and Harmony by the Divine. 

Singing this song, we have the possibility of changing the causes of suffering.


It carries the frequency and vibration of divine Love which melts all blockages and transforms life; Divine Forgiveness which brings inner peace and inner joy; Divine Compassion which boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity and Divine Light which brings healing, rejuvenation, purification, transformation of relationships and finances, improved intelligence and more. I could not think of a greater treasure to bring to those who suffer. I knew from my own experience and the stories of others that singing this soul song just 15 minutes daily worked!

I invite you to share your stories of miracles that happened because of singing LPH. I will give special blessings to all those who share your stories.
Love Peace Harmony Movement
click here to hear LPH song
-- Master Marilyn

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